InnoVar Field Visit | Organized by UNIDEB

Innovar > Agrifood Value Chain > InnoVar Field Visit | Organized by UNIDEB

UNIDEB organized field visit to the InnoVar field trials within the framework of “Meeting and consultation about legumes and fiber feed” in the Research Institute of Nyíregyháza in 25th May 2023.

The aim of the field visit was to show the InnoVar VCU experiments with bread wheat and durum wheat both in conventional and organic conditions conducted by UNIDEB and demonstrate the differences between varieties. 43 durum wheat and 30 bread wheat cultivars are involved in Core VCU experiment (from 2020), while 30-30 bread and durum wheats are included in the organic trial (from 2021). On this event, 58 people, including agronomists, farmers, members of seed and agro-food companies, researchers, teachers participated. The recently set nitrogen-treatment durum wheat experiments was also presented, where the effect of different N doses was already visible.

During the visit, stakeholders received information about the InnoVar project in general, its activities and provide valuable insights into the performance of different varieties. 
