CREA DC is performing the second year of both VCU and DUS trials for bread and durum wheat (accordingly) in the fields located in Tavazzano con Villavesco (LO) and Montanaso Lombardo (LO), respectively.
- VCU trial
In the VCU trial, bread wheat (BW) varieties have been sown on 20th October 2021 (Figure 1). This trial is characterised by thirty BW varieties exposed under three different treatments (Minimal, Optimised and Full) in three field replicates, having a total of 270 plots. Up to March 2022, the VCU characters such as emergence, plant population and plant grow habit have been assessed.
Figure 1. The sowing of VCU trial
Additionally, CREA DC together with other InnoVar partners, is currently applying the following technologies to measure specific characters, in particular:
- using RGB images (by digital camera) to obtain objective measurements of crop development throw indices such as Green Greener Area (GGA), Normalized Difference Green-Red Index (NGRDI), Triangular Greenness Index (TGI), Early Vigour Area;
- using SPAD meter to evaluate the chlorophyll content;
- using PocketLAI App to estimate the crop biomass.
These technologies are applied at specific key stages showed in Table 1, to implement information on biomass and yield for each tested variety that may contribute to update the variety evaluation processes. Up to March 2022, our varieties are in the first node stage (Figure 2).
Figure 2. VCU trial in the first node stage
VCU risk: The BW varieties are suffering the drought conditions occurring in north Italy for more than 100 days. We observed that all varieties have a reduction on vegetative growth respect to the season 2020-2021.
- DUS trial
The DUS trial is defined by 241 durum wheat (DW) varieties in two field replicates (482 plots in total) that have been sown on 30th November 2021 (Figure 3). Following the CPVO protocol, the first assessment is the plant growth habit that has been conducted at the end of March 2022.
Figure 3. The sowing of DUS trials in March 2022
DUS risk: Among the 241 DW varieties, five of them were not germinate due to both seed vitality and soil/ dry weather conditions.